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Who else thinks the Federal Government should pay for COFA..

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:58 am
by HaterOfElitists
migrants (in other words pay for their medical expenses and living expenses)?

There's been a huge influx of COFA migrants into Hawaii. Some people don't like it because they fear that Micronesians will overpopulate here and cause the state (and particularly, Oahu) to overpopulate. But in actuality, I feel for these migrants because guess what? The state has told them they can't continue to support them with programs like medicaid. It's claiming that paying for these people is bleeding the state dry. One of the reasons COFA migrants come here is because for so many years we were willing to pay for their needs. But if it's bleeding the state dry, shouldn't the Federal Government chip in and help them? Was it not THEY who chose to bomb parts of Micronesia? Hawaii was not even a state when these atrocities (repeatedly bombing parts of Micronesia and poisoning the ocean with cancerous chemicals) happened. How is it our responsibility to support them? The Federal Government should not only lend a hand to these people but convince them to work hard and not expect to live off of food stamps and welfare.